Water Worries: Why a Water Filtration System in Broken Arrow is a Must

Are you sure that your tap water is perfectly safe to drink? When it comes to anything that your family consumes, it’s always better to err on the side of caution. Drinking plenty of water is essential to good health, but it needs to be safe and clean to the last drop. If you’re unsure about the quality of your water source, don’t be tempted by the easy way out presented by bottled water. Not only is it expensive, but it’s also unsustainable and harmful to the environment. When it comes to ensuring your water is safe to drink and affordable, installing a water filtration system is a wise decision.

What’s in Your Glass?

Since 1974, the Safe Drinking Water Act has strived to protect drinking water in the United States. Yet today, more and more experts are warning consumers that tap water in the country is increasingly unable to meet health and safety guidelines. In fact, The New York Times recently discovered that since 2004, around 62 million Americans have been exposed to contaminated drinking water. These contaminants may have been found in low concentrations, but thousands of them are not regulated by federal laws. Unfortunately, this is common news. The presence of hazardous contaminants like E. coli bacteria, chloroform, lead, nitrite, and arsenic are not surprising in tap water. The great news, however, is that a water filtration system offers a straightforward, cost-effective, and long-term solution to give homeowners peace of mind.

Filtering your Choices

There are four popular water filters that you can choose from, and each one addresses a particular issue in residential water supplies. For instance, carbon water filters are effective at removing pesticides, chlorine, and herbicides. Inorganic chemicals like asbestos and salts are no match for reverse osmosis water filters. If your water supply contains organic chemicals and dissolved solids, a portable water distiller might be a better choice. Should your water be contaminated by viruses and bacteria, you should look into UV water purifiers. To make an informed choice, you need to know what contaminants are present in your water supply. One way to do this is to read your Consumer Confidence Report (CCR). You should also check with a reputable and experienced plumber. Since they are experts about the local water supply, their advice is very valuable for your selection. No matter what water filtration system you choose, rest assured that you’re taking a big step towards creating a safer, healthier home for your loved ones.


Water filters, consumerreports.org

Healthy Home Tips: Tip 7 – Filter Your Tap Water, ewg.org

Water Filter Buying Guide, environment.nationalgeographic.com

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Jared Coe