Ensure Your Tap Water is Safe by Installing a Water Filtration System

If you’ve heard about the tap water woes currently plaguing residents in Flint, Michigan, don’t make the mistake of thinking the water in your Broken Arrow, Oklahoma home is immune to such issues. A good number of Flint’s residents have fallen ill due to unusually high levels of lead, copper, and bacteria in the city’s water. This incident has led to an outcry for a closer look at the water supplies in other cities throughout the nation. In particular, aging pipelines across all states are causing widespread concern. Just 2 years ago, the U.S. got a measly “D” in terms of drinking water quality from the American Society for Civil Engineers. Furthermore, the Society claimed that most of the nation’s drinking water infrastructure is nearing the end of its useful life. Contaminated tap water isn’t only harmful to humans. Pets, specifically cats, are quite susceptible to the dangers of dirty tap water too. Exposed animals are exhibiting episodes of vomiting and loose stools, on top of significantly reduced water consumption. Bad news aside, here a couple of ways you can determine whether your tap water is safe, or if you need to call a plumber to install a water purification system. One of the things you can do is check with your local water company. The agency that handles your water supply is mandated by the Environmental Protection Agency to supply their customers with a Consumer Confidence Report. This is a yearly water quality report which details specific contaminants (if any) that might be present in your tap, as well as the risks they pose to consumers’ health. This report typically comes with your bill or is available as a downloadable PDF file, if you pay your bills online. You can also choose to test your water via a home test kit. However, these kits don’t cover everything. But they do cover the more potent contaminants like lead, arsenic, pesticides, and other types of bacteria. If you’re not entirely sure about doing it yourself, you can also call the EPA’s Safe Drinking Water Hotline which connects you to a water testing agency near you. One final option is to call Infinity Plumbing Services. We’ll test your water for you, free of charge. Should you find that your tap water is unsafe, you should install a water filtration system in your home immediately. In fact, it would be best to have such a system installed regardless of any test results. Not only will this give you the confidence that your water is pure and safe, it can also improve the taste and clarity of the water. Professionals from Broken Arrow companies like Infinity Plumbing Services can be counted on to get the job done safely and efficiently. Source: Aging Pipes Are Poisoning America’s Tap Water, The Atlantic, July 29, 2015
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Jared Coe